Friday, March 2, 2012

Know The Power of Emergency Message System

It is important to know the power of Phoneticom emergency message system. This emergency message system lets you get connected to all your near and dear ones with one phone call. Once you register for the service you will have to record an emergency message. This message gets distributed to 10 numbers during the time of emergency. 

If any critical situation hits you then you need to call the toll free number from emergency message system. The rest will be taken care of this company. They will forward your message to 10 other numbers. Now you will have to save the numbers with the company during registration. Moreover the message that you record must be clear so that it can be easily understood by the people you will get it.

It must be remembered that this is not an alternative to the 911 numbers. The emergency message gets delivered through phone, text, email and cell phone. You can register 10 emergency numbers with us. You can also update your contact list whenever you want. The toll free number that we have is a redundant telephonic platform. The other reasons on which you will get alerts are mentioned below:

Food and Drug Alerts
National Terror Alerts and Warnings
Product Safety Recalls
Local Weather Alerts

The Phoneticom emergency number enables you to call people during emergency without putting much effort from your side. With one phone call you can contact everyone.

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