Thursday, January 27, 2011

Emergency Message System: For Tough Times

Emergency Message System allows you the benefit of sending out your message to 10 contacts at one go! All you have to do is call our desk and record a message. We will send out your message to the contacts that you have listed in your ‘Settings’. They will be intimated by phone or email, depending upon the availability of the person. You have to keep in mind here that EmergencyMessageSystem is not an alternative for the 911 call that you can make in an emergency. We broadcast your message to your contact. We do not have any system in place to help you during an emergency.

To become part of the Emergency Message System, you can visit the website at You can sign up with our services. You don’t need a credit card for that! Your bill will be adjusted with the usual phone bill that you receive. The monthly charge of Emergency Message System is just $14.95. This charge is fixed and does not change with time. The Emergency Message System network is not responsible if your contact does not receive the message for any external cause. You can also choose to receive national and local weather updates from us through emails.  

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reduce Your Risks with Emergency Message System

Emergency Message System is an entirely new concept. All you need to do is to call the toll free number and simply record a message. Once you do this your service provider will immediately broadcast your message to the 10 emergency contact numbers provided by you. It will be done through your contacts, phone and emails. Charges for subscription are unbelievably less. It is only $14.95 per month.

You will also receive critical alerts to the email address you provide below including local and national weather alerts. Kindly note that a monthly recurring bill of $14.5 will be charged from you on behalf of Phoneticom, LLC as "Emergency Message System" on the OAN bill page of your local phone bill. Also note that emergencymessagesystem and your local phone company are not affiliated. This means that your account can be cancelled at any point of time. Here it is needless to mention that in the event of the cancellation of your account, you will eventually be deprived of all the benefits.

Service activation will require 2 business days. During this period you will receive your login information along with service instruction through the activation mail. This will be directly mailed to your email address.

Do not waste time in thinking about inaction. Simply subscribe to Emergency Message System and enjoy peace of mind.